Walls of Rome Demo Version 1.0 ______________________________ Thanks for your interest in Mindcraft's WALLS OF ROME. This demo is shareware and may be freely copied and distributed. After you have unzipped the files...type WALLS to start the game! DETAILED BELOW ARE THE BASIC COMMANDS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED HOT-KEYS Quick Views Menus -------------------- ---------------------- Local View F1 Options Alt-R Area View F2 Reports Alt-C Strategic View F3 Commands Selected Troops V Melee Troop Commands Missile Troop Commands ----------------------- ------------------------ Split 1 Split 1 Follow 2 Follow 2 Double Time 3 Double Time 3 Relieve 4 Relieve 4 Release 5 Release 5 Full Retreat 6 Full Retreat 6 Extended Patrol X Fire at Will W Chase C Target T Fight Group F Shoot at Group G Icon Commands ------------------------------------------------------ Escape Esc Zoom Z Advance A Info ? Stop S Engineer E Merge M Region R Divide D Pause P Barracks B Health H There are a maximum of 40 groups per side allowed on the battlefield at any given time. Each group is limited to a maximum of 50 members. If you ever have trouble trying to deploy a group from your barracks, it will be because the maximum troop limit has been reached. The Range Display for missile troops available in the OPTIONS menu, is only visible from the STATEGIC VIEW (F3 view) When marking areas for the construction or use of siege equipment, the highlighted box will change in color from yellow to brown if the area is unsuitable for the task you are trying to accomplish. While the interface of WALLS OF ROME is similar to SIEGE, there are a number of changes to the interface (for example: in SIEGE, 'A'= Attack, WALLS 'A' command is "Advance" which replaces the 'Go' command used in SIEGE) as well as addition of a number of new command options. Caution! Greek Fire is extreamly dangerous...use with care... :) ============================================================================= Machine Requirements IBM and 100% Compatibles Required: IBM-PC/AT 12 Mhz '286 or faster 640 K Memory Hard Drive 3 Megs Free Disk Space for demo Version 14 Megs Free Disk Space for complete game 256 Color VGA graphics Mouse, 100% Microsoft (or Logitech) Compatible Supported: XMS Memory Music & Digitized Sound Effects with 2 MB available XMS memory on Adlib, Disney Sound Source, Sound Blaster and Compatibles ================================================================================ To print this file, copy "README.TXT" to printer! - END OF FILE -